Spice Up Your A-Sha Ramen Noodles: Recipe

With the weather heating up, it may not exactly be soup-season, but I could eat ramen noodles any time, any day. I simply adore ramen and have found ways to spice up the noodles I found at Costco. The brand is “A-Sha” and they come in a 12-pack that I can eat in the course of about a week. While they do come with their own seasoning package, it mainly consists of a soy sauce mixture that could do with some additions.

A bit about the brand and the noodles… The ingredients are wholesome and safe. This is important to me because I try to eat a fairly clean diet and there isn’t anything offensive in these noodles. They consist of just: wheat, flour, salt, water, soy sauce, and white sesame oil. The noodles are air fried and don’t leave anything unsavory in the water after cooking. A-Sha originates in Taiwan and the noodles are very authentic and are similar to what you might find in your local Asian grocery store. The A-Sha brand claims to be the best tasting in the world.

They describe their noodles as, “Asha presents healthy ramen noodles that will make you fall in love at first bite. Fresh, hot, flavorful, and aromatic. Slightly chewy noodles with a delightful hint of Asian flavor. A tasty, satisfying and easy-to-prepare dish perfect for lunch, dinner, or a late-night snack.”

These are so convenient and easy to make, but I have made some personal alterations to make the soup a lot tastier, with a more rounded flavor palette. I added ingredients that I had in my cupboard. I do cook often, so I may have used some spices that aren’t in every home, but I promise, everything is worth adding!

Now that you’ve read the necessary, lengthy description of my whole life story, here is the recipe:

    • 1 package A-Sha noodles with seasoning packet
    • Enough water to cover the noodles
    • ½ teaspoon ginger (.08 oz)
    • ¼ teaspoon onion powder (.04 oz)
    • 1/8-1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (if you want to add some spice) (.02-.04 oz)
    • ½ tablespoon chives (dried or cut into small segments if fresh) (.08 oz)
    • 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder (.02 oz)
    • 4 turns of fresh cracked black pepper


Ignore all the directions on the package and bring enough water to a boil to cover the noodles in the bowl. I use my electric teakettle to heat the water, or you can use the microwave/stove, if preferred.

While that is brewing, add all the ingredients to a bowl. If the noodles don’t fit in your bowl, like mine, I simply break them in half and stack them. Add all other ingredients to the bowl.

Once your water is over 200 degrees Fahrenheit or approximately 94 degrees Celsius, pour the water over your noodle and herb mixture and stir everything in.

Wait two minutes for the noodles to cook, and enjoy once cool enough to consume. Feel free to drink the broth after you eat the noodles, it’s so delicious.

This is my first recipe Scratching Post, but there will be more to come. I’ve got many that I am excited to share with you all. Stay tuned!

46 replies
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    • Sweet Lil Lavender
      Sweet Lil Lavender says:

      Oh no! What an unfortunate allergy. I’m glad you can adjust it to your own needs. Do you have another herb or ingredient you usually sub in to replace garlic?

    • Sweet Lil Lavender
      Sweet Lil Lavender says:

      You may find a new favorite place , I hope! Or, if you have a Costco or Asian market nearby, you can spend time together and make some the way you like it.

  1. Kiurym
    Kiurym says:

    I actually have some of this ramen in my house now! I always thought it was lacking something…this might be the perfect thing! Thank you so much <3

  2. VioletNeko
    VioletNeko says:

    This is such a throwback to living in student halls, bulk buying noodles and all my favourite herbs and spices to jazz them up. I used to fry an egg and pop one on, sometimes I would also put a few fish fingers on top 😛

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