August Gear Review – Tiggerscollars


Probably most famous for their cute engraved gemed tags, tiggers collars provides a great alternative to those who are looking for collars that are more sturdy that the cloth kind. Tiggerscollars are made from a tough but soft Vegan leather, making them also a great voice for kittens who are Vegan. The collars are averagely priced at an affordable $26. If you want to purchase a collar from TiggersCollars you can do so here.

Below we will show you some of the cutest designs by Tiggerscollars, please enjoy!


Wild West Birthday

Peek into Skylark’s Wild west themed kittenplay Birthday


Skylark had her birthday last night, it was hosted at a wild west ghost town, complete with murder mystery and costumes! There was burlesque and live performance, everyone was required to be in costume dating to the 1800 wild west. There was even a complete saloon with champagne being served and Birthday cake, they also had photoshoots throughout the night with a professional photographer. Thanks to everyone who came it was such a fun night we will definitely be doing it again next year!



Kawaii keyhole Lingerie!

Kawaii keyhole Lingerie

These are absolutely perfect for the summer months for your prized pet or pet(s). Beautiful with it’s flirtacious sheer transparent veil skirt in baby blue and baby blue they make for an adorable duo for kittens who like to twin it up.

Want to buy one of these adorable lingerie sets? You can find them here.


Kitten Bikinis!

Perfect in time for summer is the kitten bikinis! Would you go with black or white!? The cute collars/bells are included. If you need a link to purchase it can be found on the Chateau Tumblr.
